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About KICK and JoAnna Rush  

On her way to her first big New York audition, dancer Bernie O’Connell is tricked into a car and attacked in a vacant lot off the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. KICK follows Bernie from a kickline to A Chorus Line to Hollywood and back as she picks up the pieces and finds the glue to put herself back together.

Director Taylor-Corbett said: "We follow this ex-dancer through a decades-long roller coaster ride in this story about faith, relationships, sexuality and spiritual awaking. From raped teenager, through the age of AIDS and homophobia, to empowered Interfaith Minister and grandmother of three, Joanna Rush entertains and weaves a tale with such wisdom and humor. I am so proud that this play has opened a conversation with many men. A young college guy stood up after a performance and said, 'You've made me laugh and cry, but you also made me realize that I have committed date rape.' We need this conversation. It is a positive antidote, not only to a misguided young guy like this, but to media stars who feel protected by their celebrity."